Last week I shared my tips for creating your own birth announcements
and today I'm sharing some of my favorite baby products.
Some are products I've used with all three of my kids and some are
products that are new to me and I'm so glad that I found them.
All of these make great baby shower gifts for friends,
so even if you're not expecting, Pin this post for when you need a great
So, the 15 baby products every mom needs (in no particular order) are:
This is a new-to-me item and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
Now you can take your white noise with you wherever you go.
When Grace was first born she loved the heartbeat sound and now the ocean
sound lulls us both to sleep every night.
I bought this beauty at a Ju-Ju-Be warehouse sale when Isabella was a toddler.
Since I already owned a Be Spicy in Black and Silver, it never got used and
just got tucked away in the craft room closet. I love the Be Spicy because
it has lots of great pockets, a shoulder strap, and handles, and since it's made of the
great Ju-Ju-Be fabric, you can wipe it clean!
3. Aveeno Baby
I love the gentle, fragrance free soap and lotion option.
Isabella had sensitive skin and the Aveeno Baby products were great!
I'm always looking for the best burp cloths. Right now these are my favorite.
They are a cute jersey knit print on one side and absorbant terry cloth
on the other. There large size is great for catching projectile spit up too!
I've only been able to find them at Target,
but let me know if you see them some place else.
When JT was little I swore by my Diapees & Wipees case,
and even made a few of them myself for gifts and boutiques.
But The Diaper Clutch is so much cooler!
When you open the flap the wipes are just right there ready to use.
Plus, it comes it super cute fabric options.
6. Huggies Clutch 'n' Clean Refillable Baby Wipes
This pairs great with The Diaper Clutch!
It's a travel wipes container that opens like the disposable wipes
packs and fits perfectly in The Diaper Clutch.
This way I don't have to keep buying disposable travel wipes
and I can refill the Clutch 'n' Clean with the giant box of wipes
I get from Costco. Economical and Green :)
This pairs great with The Diaper Clutch!
It's a travel wipes container that opens like the disposable wipes
packs and fits perfectly in The Diaper Clutch.
This way I don't have to keep buying disposable travel wipes
and I can refill the Clutch 'n' Clean with the giant box of wipes
I get from Costco. Economical and Green :)
7. Lansinoh Soothies Gel Pads
I remember being a desperate first time mom at the breastfeeding clinic
at the local hospital with cracked, bleeding nipples and the lactation consultant
telling me that she had a product that would make me want to kiss her.
She was right - and I've been a Soothies lover ever since.
All my babies are super aggressive nursers that want to suck 24/7 and I
have extra sensitive nipples, so that doesn't make for a great combination.
When JT was a baby, Soothies were made by a different company and when I heard
that Lansinoh had taken over manufacturing when Isabella was a newborn I was really
worried that they wouldn't be the same. THEY WERE!
This time I took them to the hospital with me. They are the best ever.
Pop them in the fridge - even better!
8. The First Years Lanolin Free Nipple Butter
Others swear by lanolin - I now swear by Nipple Butter.
Did you know that lanolin comes from sheep's wool? Um, neither did I.
And since I am allergic to wool, that would be a good indicator of why lanolin
never helped my nipples heal when I was breastfeeding JT!!!!
Enter Nipple Butter. It's a plant based balm that contains essential milk
proteins and contains no mineral oil. It's fantastic.
9. Ergo Swaddler Set
I swear by swaddling. Swear by it.
Since babies are not supposed to sleep on their backs since the Back to Sleep campaign,
swaddling is the only way newborns stay asleep for longer than 10 minutes.
You see, newborns have something called the Moro Reflex which makes it pretty
hard for them to sleep by themselves, in a large open space, on their backs -
which is everything they say makes a safe sleep space.
The Ergo Swaddler keeps your baby's hands close to their heart,
and nice and snug so sleeping on her back isn't as obnoxious.
I love how the Ergo Swaddler keeps the hands up by the chest, and not
plastered to the side, so they are really in a fetal position.
10. Pampers Swaddlers
Speaking of swaddlers . . . I love Pampers Swaddlers!
They are perfect for little newborn bums. They are the perfect size
and are oh, so soft.
Plus, the color-changing wetness indicator helps you avoid the side
peek at 1am to see if the diaper is wet.
I like Huggies when my babies are older and mobile, but I swear by swaddlers
for newborns and little babies. Tell your friends.

11. Triple Paste Medicated Ointment
If I love a product, I tell everyone about it.
So, when I was at the park at 37 weeks pregnant and the topic of
diaper rash came up with a friend and her mom who had recently had twins,
I told them I swear by Triple Paste.
I've tried them all - Butt Paste, Aquaphor, Desitin, burnt flour . . . what?
And hands down, Triple Paste kicks all of their butts.
No joke, a week later, my friend's mom grabbed me in the hall after church
and said, "You were right! That Triple Paste is amazing!"
One of the twins got a really bad diaper rash and nothing was working,
so she ran to the store to get some Triple Paste. Cleared up in 24 hours.
It's pricey, but worth every penny.
Plus, since it works, you don't have to use very much for very long.
You're welcome.

12. Petunia Pickle Bottom Sashay Satchel
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking,
"But you just said that you love your Ju-Ju-Be diaper bag."
Oh, and I do. But I have something of a diaper bag problem and
I'm glad to say that Petunia Pickle Bottom is part of that problem.
They are gorgeous and lovely and you can shop their outlet sales and save
yourself some change on these gorgeous bags.
I've had the Boxy Backpack, Cross Town Clutch, Wistful Weekender,
and I am currently carrying the Sashay Satchel.
I want them all in every print.
Someone stop me. Please.

13. 4 Moms mamaRoo
When I asked on Facebook what you mamas were loving on,
my friend Rachel chimed in that she loved her mamaRoo.
And since Rachel is super cool and her baby is too big for it now,
she let me borrow this super cool piece of baby gear.
The mamaRoo bounces and sways like you do and has built in white noise
nature sounds and an MP3 hook up.
Gracie loves it and so does my arm.
It's called Purpleness - how could you not love it?!
When I asked on Facebook what stroller I should get, all of my
friends and readers said JOOVY!
It's gorgeous, it's well made, and it's tall!
When you're 5'11" - a little umbrella stroller isn't going to cut it.
Plus, it's purple.
15. Feed Baby Pro App
You know how they send you home with that sheet where you're supposed
to keep track of feedings and wet diapers and which side you need to feed
the baby on and you do it for a couple of days and then you lose the paper and
start asking yourself - when was the last wet diaper?
Well, this app will keep you organized and on point.
As a breastfeeding mama, I'm hyper-vigilant about the wet diapers because
I want to know if Grace is eating enough.
Feed Baby Pro helps me keep track and remember which side I fed her on last.
You can also keep track of when you pumped, bottle fed or gave medicine.
I hope you found a new product that you'll love and cherish
and will make your life just a bit more fantastic.
Do you have something you love that you want me to know about?
Leave a comment and let me know all about it!
and will make your life just a bit more fantastic.
Do you have something you love that you want me to know about?
Leave a comment and let me know all about it!
Great list! I love the woombie, for swaddling, although I haven't tried the ergo swaddler. Also love the 4moms bathtub!
This was a wonderful read! I recently wrote a list similar to this @ Is is okay that I include a link to your list? I just love these items!
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