There is something in the air during the holiday season that makes me count my
blessings a little more often. I contemplate just how blessed my family is. I think on
how thankful I am that I have family, friends, and many of life's blessings that are not
afforded to others around me. It makes me want to give it forward and help
layer on love in my own community.
blessings a little more often. I contemplate just how blessed my family is. I think on
how thankful I am that I have family, friends, and many of life's blessings that are not
afforded to others around me. It makes me want to give it forward and help
layer on love in my own community.
I was really excited to hear that Coca-Cola is partnering with the non-profit organization
One Warm Coat this holiday season. One Warm Coat's mission is to provide anyone in
need with a coat free of charge. Coca-Cola and One Warm Coat want to layer on
love this holiday season by helping to donate a half a million coats to those in need. A
warm coat is something a lot of us take for granted on chilly winter mornings.
Coca-Cola's goal to help provide a layer of love in the form of a coat is a wonderful
way to pay it forward and I'm glad I can help share the message of this campaign.

I was inspired by Coca-Cola's mission with One Warm Coat and want to give it forward
in my own little community. I decided we would put together holiday blessing bags
for the homeless in our area. I hope this simple act blesses the lives of others and helps
my kids look outward this holiday season. I want them to focus on giving to and
serving others instead of their own wish lists.
my kids look outward this holiday season. I want them to focus on giving to and
serving others instead of their own wish lists.
Before we went shopping for the items in our holiday blessing bags, I did a little
research about what would be most useful to include. One thing I discovered was
to not include soap in the bags because it makes any food in the bag taste like soap.
Also, including soft food items like applesauce and pudding are better choices
than crunchy granola bars or sticky candy because of lack of regular dental care.

I also found out that socks are one of the most needed items and one of the least
donated. This prompted me to want to do a little more than just our blessing
bags. So, we also decided to organize a sock drive at church. I had the kids help come
up with an action plan on how to collect the socks. We'll put bins out where others can
drop off new socks. If it goes well, then we'll try to expand the drive to our neighborhood.
There are a lot of useful things you can include in your holiday blessing bags, below is
a list of ideas of what we included to get you started.
a list of ideas of what we included to get you started.
- warm hat
- gloves
- socks
- petroleum jelly
- deodorant
- wet wipes
- lip balm
- tissue
- mini first-aid kit
- sunscreen
- gum
- applesauce
- fruit cup
- peanut butter
- beef jerky
Then, take all of your items and pack them into a large gallon size resealable zipper
storage bag. I made a printable note to include in my holiday blessing bags. When
we were packing them, I found it easiest to put the note in first and then layer the items
in on top of it. When I make these again, I will put the food items in a separate smaller
zipper bag, and then put it in the big bag to keep them separate from the toiletries
Making the blessing bags was such a joy! We had so much fun shopping at Walmart
for the items and finding little things that would be good to include in the bags. I was glad
my kids were getting in the spirit of giving and learning to layer on love.
It was fun to see the holiday themed bottles of Coca-Cola products while we were
shopping and remember how Coca-Cola encouraged us to give back to those in need.
My life is always so blessed when I remember to reach out and serve others. I hope that
this small project helps my family to remember to serve this holiday season, lift where
we stand and bless others.
By coming together and donating to One Warm Coat on,
we could collectively help to put a coat on one million people in need this winter.
These are such wonderful ideas and I *love* the note that you included with each!!! <3 This is what the holidays really should be all about! Merry Christmas to you! ~ Client
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