I had to opportunity to take my kids to an advance screening
of Disney's FRANKENWEENIE last week,
and I honestly {LOVED} it.
We're GIGANTIC Tim Burton fans in this house.
I start showing Nightmare Before Christmas in September and watch
it through the end of the year.
Little Isabella sleeps witha Sally doll and JT cuddles up with Zero,
Little Isabella sleeps witha Sally doll and JT cuddles up with Zero,
so I was excited for this stop-motion animated throwback
to “Frankenstein” and “Dracula” of the 1930’s.
It did not disappoint.
Frankenweenie explores the idea of a young boy, Victor,
doing a science experiment to bring his beloved dog
Sparky back to life, only to discover that unintended, really creepy,
consequences follow his life changing choice.
I loved the movie.
It was creepy, spooky, unexpected and totally Tim Burton.
My six year old adored it.
He had a lot of questions about what was real
and what wasn't real and I enjoyed having the discussion with him.
He's still talking about it a week later and telling everyone he knows about it.
My friend said he talked her ear off for 15 minutes recounting the
story, the monsters, and the feelings he had.
My three and a half year old was a little freaked out by some of the more gruesome scenes.
You'll have to use to judgement as the parent of your own children to know
whether Frankenweenie is right for your family.
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