Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Strawberry {Heart} Krispie Treat




(linking up HERE)


Unknown said...

What a grand idea- need to come up with something other than cupcakes around here ;-)Oh, and now I'm following you- hope you can stop by my place and return the favor soon!

dancin' momma said...

Hannah informed me these are what she wants to make for her school treats!! So cute!

Tasha said...

Oh yumminess AND cute!

Julie said...

Rice Krispies are SOOO my favorite. Thanks for sharing. I am a new follower and would love for you to follow me back at

The Farm Girl

amycornwell said...

Oh yum, I want these! Like now. But I'm iced in the house. Bummer.

Laura said...

How adorable!! Makes me hungry just looking at them.

adrienzgirl said...

My boys' favorite treat ever. I think I'll be cutting them out some of these for Valentine's Day for sure!

Christina @ It's a Keeper said...

HI! I'm hosting a link up this week -- It's a Keeper Thursdays! I hope you can come over and link up!

It's a Keeper

Brandy said...

Those are just too perfect! Great job!!


nicolette {momnivores dilemma} said...

so sweet! and I have that cookie cutter...

Pretty please link up to my winter blues link party "Indulge Your Sweet Tooth"

Kelli W said...

Yum! I love cutting stuff with my heart cookie cutter:) We made some like this last year and my boys loved having them in the lunches on Valentine's Day!

rebecca said...

so sweet! love your photography. so happy to have found your sweet blog.



Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Hey girl, totally new to your blog, AWESOME,,, how can I not love it, your title alone is enough to make me love you. My favorite animal is the giraffe, and a polka dot one,,, even better, he he.

I am so your newest follower!!!!

We LOVE rice crispy treats, and these are adorable, I might just make my kids some, awwww!!!

I would LOVE if you came to link up to my party **Amaze me August** I am trying to reach 100 linkups, and then I will have a special giveaway, something made my me, lol. I'm pretty excited!!!

Oh and just in case you were curious, how I clean my stove, check this out, he he.
Cleaning my stove with Shampoo

Thanks a ton girl, and hope to see you soon!!!!

Bella :)

Michelle {Daydream Believers} said...

Perfect valentines treats! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this treat idea and would love for you to link it to my Virtual Valentine's Day Party link tomorrow. One person who links up will win a $10 Visa Gift Card.

The Treasurista said...

So yummy! Would love for you to add to my Thursday Treasure Party @


The Treasurista
Finding and Creating FUN things...

Erin said...

Very cute!

Lorie said...

I love these! Cookies cutters really are my favorite kitchen tool!

Alison @ said...

I was looking for a fun treat to take to a large (60+ people) family get together tonight. These are perfect! Thanks!

AllieMakes! said...

Very cute. Good job on the post! Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can’t wait to see what you have for next week!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness these are just adorable! They look delicious too :)

Thanks for sharing in FFA!

Hannah @


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