Hooray for fabulous May sponsors!
I am so excited about the *NEW* for this month.
They all have fabulous products and/or blogs
and I'm so excited to share their fabulousness with you.

I big puffy {HEART} Jenni of Ragamuffin Beauties.
She is such a sweet, dear friend and we've never met in real life,
but we totally have a kindred spirit connection and so I'm glad to share her
with you today.
She makes darling things for women, children, and babies.
They all have fabulous products and/or blogs
and I'm so excited to share their fabulousness with you.

I big puffy {HEART} Jenni of Ragamuffin Beauties.
She is such a sweet, dear friend and we've never met in real life,
but we totally have a kindred spirit connection and so I'm glad to share her
with you today.
She makes darling things for women, children, and babies.

She has a fabulous:

I had the pleasure of having a table next to The Spunky Little Monkey
at the Penelope Lane Boutique I did in March.
The Spunky Little Monkey has a darling hair accessories.
I love them.
I nabbed Isabella a few at the boutique.

You can find The Spunky Little Monkey:

Um, what can I say about Lady Cupcake's Corner?
I freakin' love her.
Her husband and my husband are cousins,
so we're sister cousins.
She has mad cupcake topper skills.
Well, she has lots of mad skills,
but her cupcake toppers are so awesome.
She can make anything and she loves custom orders,
so give her a ring for her next PAR-TAY!


Oh. My. Word.
I love Hippo Ink!!!!
She makes darling crayons in lots of fun shapes,
sizes, and colors.
And she has a mustache set.
We were meant to work together.

Kitty has a fantastic blog full of awesome ideas and craft tutorials.
Some of my favorite tutorials are:

Kitty also has an awesome Etsy shop!

You can keep up with Kitty:
Blushing sweet friend! Kindred indeed...one day we shall meet, said in my most theatrical Anne of Green Gables voice. (Totally random factoid: I once played Marilla in our high school play.)
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