My little Isabella loves Hi-Chew candies.
She has such a little sweet tooth, just like her mom.
So, I knew this year's Valentines for her preschool class would need
to use her favorite candy - especially since Costco sells them in bulk!
So I busted out my trusty Silhouette machine and put to designing something fun
in Silhouette Studio that would pair perfectly with the yummy Hi-Chew candies.
I used the same steps in Silhouette Studio as I did with my Main Squeeze Valentines.
The "print and cut" option is fantastic!
Once I had all the pieces printed and cut out, I used my Sticky Thumb adhesive runner
to put everything together and even hold the Hi-Chew candies to the paper.
We started with a plain pink letter "U" on our Valentines, but Isabella decided
that the girls needed theirs glittered. So I busted out the Modge Podge and glitter
and we glittered the heck out of the "U".
Then, Isabella added her signature and after the Modge Podge was dry
I again used the Sticky Thumb adhesive to adhere the Hi-Chew candies to the valentine.
We also used some rainbow alphabet stickers to make the Hi-Chew candies say
"Hi-Chews" so that the little clever saying was slightly more grammatically correct.
Isabella didn't really care, but she is all about rainbow stickers.
These are quick and easy Valentines to put together for a small group of preschool friends.
If you'd like to use the printables I made, there are are PDF files and Silhouette Studio cut files
that you can download from the Google Drive folder.

Fine Print:
Please feel free to use this tutorial/print for your personal use.
Please feel free to use this tutorial/print for your personal use.
Please be kind
and give credit where credit is due.
Any questions or comments please
do not hesitate to contact me.
that is so cute! Love that your baby was able to help with the project.
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