We're coming to the last stretch of giveaways.
All of the previous giveaways have been donated
by the fabulous shops that hosted.
They didn't pay me to say nice things,
(they couldn't - LOL)
I just genuinely love them!
The next giveaway is from me to you!!!!
It's a SheyB camera strap cover!!!!

This a brand new cover and I only took it out
of the packaging to snap a picture of it.
If you follow SheyB - you'll know that she closed down shop:(
She doesn't make straps anymore,
but you can still buy kits with instructions to make your own.
I love you all so much,
that I'm parting with one of my SheyB lovelies,
(that's right, I said "one of", don't judge me)
so that you can have one too!!!
This a brand new cover and I only took it out
of the packaging to snap a picture of it.
If you follow SheyB - you'll know that she closed down shop:(
She doesn't make straps anymore,
but you can still buy kits with instructions to make your own.
I love you all so much,
that I'm parting with one of my SheyB lovelies,
(that's right, I said "one of", don't judge me)
so that you can have one too!!!
(this MUST be completed for any other extra entries to count)
Leave me a comment telling me what
you're looking forward to most this summer!!!
Extra Entries:
(You MUST complete the mandatory entry
before completing any extra entries.)
As always, giveaways are only open to
FPG Google Friends Connect public followers.
Leave me a comment telling me what
you're looking forward to most this summer!!!
Extra Entries:
(You MUST complete the mandatory entry
before completing any extra entries.)
1 Extra Entry: {LIKE} Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Facebook (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {FOLLOW} Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Twitter (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {FOLLOW} Mormishmom (ME!!!) on Twitter (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {POST} about THIS giveaway on Facebook with a link back here - be sure to mention @Funky PolkaDot Giraffe in your post (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {POST} my regular button on your blog (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {TWEET} about the giveaway with a link back here and be sure to mention @funkyPDgiraffe in your tweet (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {FOLLOW} Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Twitter (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {FOLLOW} Mormishmom (ME!!!) on Twitter (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {POST} about THIS giveaway on Facebook with a link back here - be sure to mention @Funky PolkaDot Giraffe in your post (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {POST} my regular button on your blog (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {TWEET} about the giveaway with a link back here and be sure to mention @funkyPDgiraffe in your tweet (leave 1 additional comment)
As always, giveaways are only open to
FPG Google Friends Connect public followers.
This GIVEAWAY will end on Saturday, June 18th at midnight PST.
1 lucky reader will be selected using Random.org and will have 72 hours to claim the prize or a new winner will be chosen.
The winner's name will be posted in a blog post announcement.
You must respond either in a comment or via email.

The winner's name will be posted in a blog post announcement.
You must respond either in a comment or via email.
I'm looking forward to watching my kids play in the sprinkler.
I'm most looking forward to our family road trip to Savannah, Georgia. We LOVE Savannah!!
The thing I 'm looking most forward to is spending our days at the beach all summer long :0)
I like FPG on FB as Nancy Brumfield
Follow Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on twitter @nmbrumfield
I follow mormishmom on twitter @nmbrumfield
Looking forward to spending time with my kids this summer, and going to the beach :)
I'm looking most forward to finding out the sex of the baby in July!!
Most looking forward to spending time with the kids this summer and not having to wake up early to take them to school!
I like you on FB!
I follow you on twitter!!
I follow FPG on twitter!!
Your button is on my blog!
I can't wait to get away on vacation, the beach everyday!
I am looking forward to the beach!!!
I {LIKE} Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Facebook
I {FOLLOW} Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Twitter
I also {FOLLOW} Mormishmom on Twitter
I shared on fb
I tweeted
Time at the beach & being a "tourist in my own state." :)
I looooove this purple strap!!!! What I'm looking forward to the most is sept. 5th when I will give birth to my 2nd baby girl :)
i follow you on twitter :)
I'm most looking forward to moving into our new house!
I'm a fan on FB!
I shared the giveaway on FB!
I tweeted about the giveaway (@sarahsmyers).
I follow Funky PolkaDot Gifaffe on Twitter!
I follow Mormishmom on Twitter!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I am looking forward to working as a camp counselor at the YMCA!!!
I liked funky poldadot giraffe on facebook!
I have a few things I'm looking forward to...the biggest is going on vacation to the cape for two weeks with my kids- I love seeing their faces when they see the ocean and I can't wait to try out my new Canon 7D while we are there!
I'm also psyched to see NKOTBSB in concert in July ;)
i like FPG on FB
I also follow you on twitter
I also follow Funky Polkadot Giraffe on Twitter, too!
jamiedelight @gmail.com
I am looking forward to more picnics!!! And just family time.
Thank you!
I "like" you on FB!!! Thanks!
I'm looking forward to take my kids for a weekend at the beach (hopefully!!)
Follow FPG on Twitter
Follow Mormishmom of twitter
Really? That is so incredibly kind of you to give away one of your own! I can't wait to camp. The husband has been out of town so much and we miss him! My, my family and nature is the best!
coming home to irvine and seeing all my peeps!!!
I like FPG on Facebook (actually Love)!!
I'm looking forward to spending time with my kids this summer...running through the sprinkler, eating popcicles, giggling...etc...
I like FPG on FB!
I looking forward to some lazy afternoons in the sun!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
I {LIKE} Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Facebook!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Twitter!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
I follow Mormishmom on Twitter!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
i'm looking forward to playing outdoors more with my kids and going to the water park once or twice a week. oh... .and getting rid of my nasty white legs and getting a bit of a tan
mychancetowin at gmail dot com
i am looking forward to all my college kids being home for one whole weekend together! thanks!
I'm most looking forward to our annual Mardi Gras in June party this Saturday. We have crawfish shipped up from New Orleans to NJ and throw a big bash!
I'm most looking forward to you not watching the girls so you can play with MEEEEE!!! LOL
I like you on FB!
I follow you on Twitter!
I follow you (Mormishmom) on Twitter!
I follow mormishmom on twitter.
I totally have your button on both my blogs!!
I have your regular button on my blog, left sidebar at www.reefbotanicals.blogspot.com
I'm looking forward to spending time with family at the beach in July! =)
~Emily N.
I "like" your Facebook page.
MAN! I love SheyB's straps.. Never got to buy one! I am a fan of Funky Polkadot Giraffe on FB!
shanna.u at gmail dot com
I am now following Kyla Armstrong from Funky Polkadot Giraffe on Twitter! Twitter name shannau shanna.u at gmail dot com
I am following Kyla Armstrong from Mormishmom (YOU!!!) on twitter! Username shannau shanna.u at gmail dot conm
Looking forward to moving into my new house! And decorating every room!
shanna.u at gmail dot com
I'm looking forward to seeing the sun out (it's been a really long winter in Utah!)
I like you on FB.
I follow you on twitter. @slynh999
I follow Mormishmom on twitter. @slynh999
I follow @funkyPDgiraffe on Twitter. =)
I also follow Mormishmom on Twitter. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm most looking forward to spending time with my grandmother. She lives 9 hours away and since we can't all get time to visit her, my parents are going to get her and bring her back for a month!
Let's see...what I'm looking forward to most this summer is spending time with my kids. I really want to make it a memorable summer. My kids are growing up too fast! :(
Of course I like you on facebook!
I posted about THIS giveaway!! :)
I am looking forward for my baby boy this coming august :D
cheers :D
I liked Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Facebook too ^^v
I am most looking forward to vacation... hooray for the beach!
I liked you on Facebook as Lawrence Girls. :)
I am following you on Twitter @thelawrencegirl
I am also following your personal Twitter @thelawrencegirl
I shared the giveaway on Facebook with a link back to your site. :)
Tweeted the giveaway with a link to your site. :)
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