Hi my name is Emily! Exciting, I know. I run a craft/fashion/sewing/cooking/whatever I want it to be blog, right here! Now that's exciting! I recently made the dress I'm wearing in the above photo for the Fourth of July. The problem is I don't wanna wash it. Nope. Do you know why? Well, let's take a little looksy at the photo below. |
And here they are! I picked up these three beauties over time. |
The backside ladies. I know it's embarrassing. We've all been there. |
We've had this one since '04. She needs a serious facelift. |
I picked this one up for a dollar. But hey, it can be worth a lot more. |
I have a home that's very decorative. People look at me like I'm crazy when they find out I have no chevron. Well crayzee no more peoples. I'm gonna get me some chevron. |
I told you a serious facelift. |
Whoa! I wanted to try stripes. And I used some leftover blue. Black and white would have been nice, but I was too lazy to run out and get it. I put matching duct tape on top. |
Yes, it's true. We can all have clean clothes now. There are a few touch-up spots still, but she's ready to roll. |
This is one of my favs. All I did was spray paint the handles and feet a Kelly green. Love that Kelly green. Well come on over and see what I'm all about. Don't be afraid of your laundry! |
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